R. fortunei hybrid 'Fred Wynniatt'

'Fred Wynniatt'
fortunei hybrid 'Fred Wynniatt'
Parentage: fortunei x {(fortunei ssp. discolor x campylocarpum Elatum Group) 'Lady Bessborough' x (dichroanthum x decorum) 'Dido'} 'Jalisco'.
Named for the Head Gardener, Exbury. Edmund de Rothschild, 1964.
Habit: An upright plant, reaching 1.2 m (4 ft) height in 10 years.
Flowers: Apricot pink, yellow flowers with rose-tinged edges. Flower size huge 11.5 cm (4.5 in).
Leaves: Leaves are glabrous, light green. Size 16.5 cm long.
Cold Hardiness Temperature: -5°F, -21°C

Link to Lists of Seeds sent to ARS
Link to my elepidote crossings Breeding Hardy Rhododendrons in Finland
Link to Rhododendron Garden in Archipelago Forest