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Arboretum pond / Arboretumin lampi

Making a large pond
Suuren lammen teko

P3284653_oja_1024px Water flows in opposite directions from this place. May be a spring or high groundwater in the valley surrounded by rocks? 18-Apr-2017 Vesi virtaa vastakkaisiin...
Water flows in opposite directions from this place. May be a spring or high groundwater in the valley surrounded by rocks? 18-Apr-2017 Vesi virtaa vastakkaisiin…
P2021184_pato_1024 In January 2020 I got an idea of making a pond. I first built two dams in the ditch to control the water level. 2-Feb-2020 Sain tammikuussa 2020 idean lammen...
In January 2020 I got an idea of making a pond. I first built two dams in the ditch to control the water level. 2-Feb-2020 Sain tammikuussa 2020 idean lammen…
IMG_20200131_134614_koekuoppa_lampea_varten_1024px I had a test pit dug to get assurance on how the water level stays. 31-Jan-2020 Kaivautin koekuopan saadakseni varmuuden veden pinnan pysyvyydestä. 31.1.2020
I had a test pit dug to get assurance on how the water level stays. 31-Jan-2020
Kaivautin koekuopan saadakseni varmuuden veden pinnan pysyvyydestä. 31.1.2020
IMG_20200131_135301_koekuoppa_lampea_varten_1024px There was clay below the top soil of black peat. 31-Jan-2020 Mustan pintamullan alapuolella oli pelkkää savea. 31.1.2020
There was clay below the top soil of black peat. 31-Jan-2020
Mustan pintamullan alapuolella oli pelkkää savea. 31.1.2020
IMG_20200131_141258_koekuoppa_lampea_varten_2.5m_1024px The pit got 2.5 meter deep. 31-Jan-2020 Kuopasta tuli 2,5 m syvä. 31.1.2020
The pit got 2.5 meter deep. 31-Jan-2020
Kuopasta tuli 2,5 m syvä. 31.1.2020
P2021181_koekuoppa_lampea_varten_kork_pinnasta_30cm_1024pxpx The pit was filled in three days to the rim from water pouring from the bottom. 2-Feb-2020 Kuoopa täyttyi reunojaan myöten pohjan kautta tulevasta vedestä...
The pit was filled in three days to the rim from water pouring from the bottom. 2-Feb-2020 Kuoopa täyttyi reunojaan myöten pohjan kautta tulevasta vedestä…
IMG_20200205_093416_lammen_pato 1024px The dams kept the water well at the set level. 5-Feb-2020 Padot pitivät vedenpinnan hyvin asetetulla korkeudella. 5.2.2020
The dams kept the water well at the set level. 5-Feb-2020
Padot pitivät vedenpinnan hyvin asetetulla korkeudella. 5.2.2020
Lammen_kartta_2_1024px I sketched a map of a pond. Red = borders of the two properties, total area 3,5 hectares, yellow = arboretum roads, green = main ditch, blue = pond. 5-Feb-2020...
I sketched a map of a pond. Red = borders of the two properties, total area 3,5 hectares, yellow = arboretum roads, green = main ditch, blue = pond. 5-Feb-2020…
P3021277_lammen_alue_merkattuna_1024px I cut down all trees and bushes and marked the pond with yellow ribbon. 2-Mar-2020 Kaadoin alueelta kaikki puut ja pensaat, ja merkitsin lammen keltaisella...
I cut down all trees and bushes and marked the pond with yellow ribbon. 2-Mar-2020 Kaadoin alueelta kaikki puut ja pensaat, ja merkitsin lammen keltaisella…
P3021278_lammen_alue_merkattuna_1024px A dam was at both ends of the marked area. 2-Mar-2020 Merkityn alueen kummassakin päässä oli pato. 2.3.2020
A dam was at both ends of the marked area. 2-Mar-2020
Merkityn alueen kummassakin päässä oli pato. 2.3.2020
P7080035_koekaivannossa_on_vetta hyvin_1024px The water level was high in the test pit in July after a long dry period. 8-Jul-2020 Vesi testikuopassa oli korkealla vielä heinäkuussa pitkän kuivan kauden...
The water level was high in the test pit in July after a long dry period. 8-Jul-2020 Vesi testikuopassa oli korkealla vielä heinäkuussa pitkän kuivan kauden…
IMG_20200708_124238_1_lammen_kaivu_alkaa_kantojen_poistamisella_1024px The digging of the pond started as planned in early July. 8-Jul-2020 Lammen kaivuu alkoi suunnitelman mukaisesti heinäkuun alussa. 8.7.2020
The digging of the pond started as planned in early July. 8-Jul-2020
Lammen kaivuu alkoi suunnitelman mukaisesti heinäkuun alussa. 8.7.2020
IMG_20200708_172756_1_kolmasosa_pintamullasta_poistettu_1024px All stumps and roots were removed and after that the top the layer of black peat was recovered for later use. 8-Jul-2020 Kannot ja juuret poistettiin ja tämän...
All stumps and roots were removed and after that the top the layer of black peat was recovered for later use. 8-Jul-2020 Kannot ja juuret poistettiin ja tämän…
IMG_20200708_172407_1_juurakot_kalliotien_viereen_1024px Stumps and roots were transferred on an edge of a rock for potential further usage. Kannot ja juuret siirrettiin kallion reunalle mahdollista myöhempää käyttöä...
Stumps and roots were transferred on an edge of a rock for potential further usage. Kannot ja juuret siirrettiin kallion reunalle mahdollista myöhempää käyttöä…
IMG_20200708_173139_12_kuormaa_multaa_taimipellon_laajennukselle_1024px Several tractor loads of black peat was hauled to the extension of a plant field for rhododendrons. Useita traktorikuormallisia mustaa multaa kuljetettiin...
Several tractor loads of black peat was hauled to the extension of a plant field for rhododendrons. Useita traktorikuormallisia mustaa multaa kuljetettiin…
IMG_20200709_091434_pintamullan_poistoa_1024px Loading black peat from the top surface. 9-Jul-2020 Mustan mullan kuormaamista maanpinnalta. 9.7.2020
Loading black peat from the top surface. 9-Jul-2020
Mustan mullan kuormaamista maanpinnalta. 9.7.2020
IMG_0379_multakasa_1024px 12 tractor loads of acid black peat is a good stock for rhododendron plantings. 12 traktorikuormallista mustaa hapanta multaa on hyvä varasto alppiruusujen...
12 tractor loads of acid black peat is a good stock for rhododendron plantings. 12 traktorikuormallista mustaa hapanta multaa on hyvä varasto alppiruusujen…
IMG_20200709_145500_1_lammen_kaivuu_1024px The excavation continued into the clay layer. The depth of excavation was set at about 2 meters which meant a water depth of about 1,7 meters. 9-Jul-2020 Kaivuu...
The excavation continued into the clay layer. The depth of excavation was set at about 2 meters which meant a water depth of about 1,7 meters. 9-Jul-2020 Kaivuu…
IMG_20200710_104230_1_lammen_toisen_puoliskon_kaivuu_valmis_1024px Half of the pond area was done first in order to get the geotextile and sand placed easier. 10-Jul-2020 Toinen puoli lammesta tehtiin ensin, jotta...
Half of the pond area was done first in order to get the geotextile and sand placed easier. 10-Jul-2020 Toinen puoli lammesta tehtiin ensin, jotta…
IMG_0380_savea_1024px A lot of clay was transferred on various places on the neighbour's property. Runsaasti savea kuljetettiin eri paikkoihin naapurin kiinteistölle.
A lot of clay was transferred on various places on the neighbour's property.
Runsaasti savea kuljetettiin eri paikkoihin naapurin kiinteistölle.
IMG_20200710_135444_1_suodatinkangas_ja_hiekkaa 1024px Non-woven geotextile (N2) was laid out to separate the underlying clay from sand. A layer of fine grade sand was loaded on the geotextile. 10-Jul-2020 N2-tyypin...
Non-woven geotextile (N2) was laid out to separate the underlying clay from sand. A layer of fine grade sand was loaded on the geotextile. 10-Jul-2020 N2-tyypin…
IMG_0227_lampi sateisen_paivan jalkeen_1024px Heavy rain (45 mm) was not good on the unfinished pond. It was not possible to work on these conditions. 12-Jul-2020 Kova vesisade (45 mm) ei ollut hyvä asia...
Heavy rain (45 mm) was not good on the unfinished pond. It was not possible to work on these conditions. 12-Jul-2020 Kova vesisade (45 mm) ei ollut hyvä asia…
IMG_20200712_083139_lampi sateisen_paivan jalkeen_1024px Water had streamed from a ditch and carried a lot of sand away from an edge. I needed to rent an efficient pump to empty the pond. 12-Jul-2020 Vesi oli...
Water had streamed from a ditch and carried a lot of sand away from an edge. I needed to rent an efficient pump to empty the pond. 12-Jul-2020 Vesi oli…
IMG_20200713_160027_lammen_toisen_puoliskon_kaivuu_1024px The excavating could continue after water had been pumped away. 13-Jul-2020 Kaivuu pääsi jatkumaan sen jälkeen, kun vesi oli saatu pumpattua pois. 13.7.2020
The excavating could continue after water had been pumped away. 13-Jul-2020
Kaivuu pääsi jatkumaan sen jälkeen, kun vesi oli saatu pumpattua pois. 13.7.2020
2020-07-15 16.32.15_lammen_hiekan_haravointia_1024px The pond was finished! Now waiting for water. Meanwhile I was raking the sand from twigs and pieces of clay. 15-Jul-2020 Lampi oli valmis! Nyt vaan odotellaan...
The pond was finished! Now waiting for water. Meanwhile I was raking the sand from twigs and pieces of clay. 15-Jul-2020 Lampi oli valmis! Nyt vaan odotellaan…
Expected_water_level_1024px Showing with my hands the expected water level. Afterwards I raised the dams by another 10 cm. 15-Jul-2020 Näytän käsilläni odotettavissa olevaa veden...
Showing with my hands the expected water level. Afterwards I raised the dams by another 10 cm. 15-Jul-2020 Näytän käsilläni odotettavissa olevaa veden…
PICT0536_vilvoittelua_puiden_kaadon_jalkeen_1024px The dry season continued and water level had increased to less than knee level. Water temperature was 16 °C. 22-Sep-2020 Kuiva kausi jatkui ja veden pinta oli...
The dry season continued and water level had increased to less than knee level. Water temperature was 16 °C. 22-Sep-2020 Kuiva kausi jatkui ja veden pinta oli…
P9290232_Malus_Prunus_istutukset_lammen_rannalle_1024px I planted some Malus and Prunus ornamental trees on the drier side of the pond. 29-Sep-2020 Istutin muutamia Malus ja Prunus koristepuita lammen kuivemmalle...
I planted some Malus and Prunus ornamental trees on the drier side of the pond. 29-Sep-2020 Istutin muutamia Malus ja Prunus koristepuita lammen kuivemmalle…
IMG_20201010_101605_lampi_tayttyy_viela_70cm_1024px It started to rain in October and finally I could see the pond as a pond and not as a sand pit. Still 70 cm up to the dam level. 10-Oct-2020 Lokakuussa alkoi...
It started to rain in October and finally I could see the pond as a pond and not as a sand pit. Still 70 cm up to the dam level. 10-Oct-2020 Lokakuussa alkoi…
PA200284_lampi_tulvapadon_tasalla_1024px The pond was full of water and level was controlled by a dam at both ends. 20-Oct-2020 Lampi oli täynnä vettä ja padot lammen molemmissa päissä rajoittivat...
The pond was full of water and level was controlled by a dam at both ends. 20-Oct-2020 Lampi oli täynnä vettä ja padot lammen molemmissa päissä rajoittivat…
IMG_20201023_102635_lampi_ja_ohijuoksu_1024px Clear water flows from a stream through a pipe to the bottom of the pond. The pipe has been laid under the geotextile. Excess water flows to the dam. Kirkas...
Clear water flows from a stream through a pipe to the bottom of the pond. The pipe has been laid under the geotextile. Excess water flows to the dam. Kirkas…
PA210290_water_from_stream_1024px There is a dense metal mesh in front of the pipe to catch leaves and other trash. Putken edessä on tiheä metalliverkko lehtiä ja muita roskia keräämässä.
There is a dense metal mesh in front of the pipe to catch leaves and other trash.
Putken edessä on tiheä metalliverkko lehtiä ja muita roskia keräämässä.
IMG_0394_pato_ylivuoto_1024px Overflow of water on the dam at the other end of the pond. Veden ylivirtaus lammen toisen pään padolla.
Overflow of water on the dam at the other end of the pond.
Veden ylivirtaus lammen toisen pään padolla.
IMG_20201023_140846_lammen_hiekkaranta_1024px The pond has a small sand beach and water is shallower in front of it. 23-Oct-2020 Lammella on pieni hiekkaranta ja vesi on matalampaa sen edustalla 23.10.2020
The pond has a small sand beach and water is shallower in front of it. 23-Oct-2020 Lammella on pieni hiekkaranta ja vesi on matalampaa sen edustalla 23.10.2020
PB080332_lampi_marraskuun_aamun_auringonpasiteessa_1024px The length of the pond is 25 meters and width 14 meters, area about 350 square meters and max depth about 1,7 meters. 8-Nov-2020 Lammen pituus on 25 m ja leveys...
The length of the pond is 25 meters and width 14 meters, area about 350 square meters and max depth about 1,7 meters. 8-Nov-2020 Lammen pituus on 25 m ja leveys…
IMG_20201026_105537_Malus_Masatro_800px Malus 'Masatro' beside the pond. Malus 'Masatro' lammen rannalla.
Malus 'Masatro' beside the pond.
Malus 'Masatro' lammen rannalla.
IMG_20201115_111824_RedRivBVT-01_Red_River_x_BVT_1024px Rhododendron 'Red River' x brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii planted on the shore of the pond. Source: ARS 358/06, Sally and John Perkins. Rhododendron 'Red River'...
Rhododendron 'Red River' x brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii planted on the shore of the pond. Source: ARS 358/06, Sally and John Perkins. Rhododendron 'Red River'…